Saturday, 06 October 2007

Redeeming the Cliché

And so it is that I’ve experienced my second foray into the world of anime, as, much to the contemptuous impatience of my sister the anime expert, I have passed through the Painted Glass and enjoyed Blood+, a series which enjoys said sister’s arched derision and contempt. Much of this has to do with the unabashed angst of the series. Among her gripes is one which amused me; apparently the beautiful delicate heroine who eats a lot but never gains weight is a cliché abundant in anime…who knew?

The angst doesn’t really bother me. Blood+ is styled much in the tradition of the science fiction gothic, and I always find that once I can identify a grand aesthetic tradition to which a story is paying homage to I don’t mind clichés, as long as the style is done well. I find that this is generally true for the postmodern audience well-versed in the lore of aesthetic traditions. Take Kill Bill, for instance. Much of the movie’s cleverness inhered in the demand for a certain ironic stance towards the over-the-top violence and deliberately bad dialogue. To appreciate it, we had to be aware that one, the lameness was on purpose, and two, that the purpose had to do with a salute to a style of 1970s kung-fu revenge narrative that either once had been great, or which had anyway cultivated a genre-specific audience with a rich stylistic structure. Kill Bill would never have commanded the critical respect it did if we hadn’t been aware of the contract it made with an outdated aesthetic. That awareness demands sophistication and so we read the lameness not for what it exhibits but for what knowledge (of a tradition) it demands. Same is true for Mary-Jane’s line in the recent Spiderman movies, “Go get ‘em, Tiger.” Consider the cheese of that for a second, and then consider that it was comic-book canon that Mary-Jane used that line. Kirsten Dunst therefore had to say it at least once in the movie, and that idea of a salute made to the rich tradition of the Spiderman comics elicited delight in audiences because it signified a certain subtlety specific to pop-culture know-how. In other words we enjoyed it not because we liked it but because we recognized it.

I think, really, that a lot of these ‘homage’ trends signify in a way, a certain longing for the cliché. If something is old (read by us as outdated) or too well recognized (cliché), there is a certain pressure to let it go, despite what value we still find in it. The contract of recognition, or homage, redeems what we have lost, restoring to it if not its old meaning then a kind of artificial glamour on which we skate delicately careful to avoid losing our ironic retrospection or academic distance.

Blood+, for me I think, skated on the latter. Once I had identified the genre, and knew to expect haunted pasts, tall-dark-and-handsomes, and narrative manipulations designed to simultaneously characterize the heroine as violently strong and hopelessly vulnerable, I could allow them to slide. I knew they had been done before.


Unknown said...

Spiderman is a classic, although i didn't follow it much i have an idea of the major characters and their legacies from the card collection i once owned... I expected more! Carnage FTW!

Blood+ was quite alright for the first 25 episodes ive seen...*again* Cant wait to finish them when i get my dvd's back!

Anyway, Blood: The Last Vampire is a classic in my list, it is the original manga movie that created Saya while she is older than portrayed in the series, still with those reminiscent shots of her past in vietnam. Blood+ is quite recent and took after it to as a series.

Japanese has a very structured style of speaking which includes elements of humour, respect, gender-specific and so much more that only when grown accustomed to anime have i really taken note and accepted it... I still can't say Chiroptera in Japanese tho... :D

For the eating vs gaining weight part, i only know of goku and a few from bleach... yes it is an exploit or a cliché trait of a character.

If you liked Saya, then you might like Claire from 'Claymore' even more, she's my new favorite female slayer! She eats almost nothing at all :P

I prefer a unique and mature anime with a good background and relative plot... a "factional" type... especially like 'Blood: The Last Vampire' or 'Berserk'.

There are too many cliché styles of anime that i'd create a post oneday. I have noticed the "flashbacks" in almost all anime... useful sometimes, useless other times. In some they're just plain redundant. Then theres panning, stances, revelation of the unknown, etc.

I really like the guitar part of the song of the first Intro. OST's are hip too.

Libra said...

You should get together with my sister...she's so familiar with anime that she gets impatient with a lot more than I do. Also she's an artist and has studied Japanese so I guess that makes her more critical. I'm glad then that for me it is still a novelty!

I'm trying to get hold of Blood:the Last Vampire, but I only have one supplier and he's busy getting Deathnote for my sister. By the way, I can't pick up Chiroptera in Japanese either but I think it's something like 'Yokshe'.

One of my sister's other gripes about anime is the tendency for using J-pop as intros...she's into this highly stylized sub-genre of Japanese rock. That's one of the reasons why she's looking forward to Deathnote; one of her bands is featured there.

What happened to your anime blog? I can't find it; you should post information like this up on it!

Waseem said...

Great post, I think thats the problem when a movie is adapted with something, in an attempt to be different, they miss the similarities, and in that way lose the gist of what it was adapted from. It is a very delicate balance though.

Personally, I prefer something to canon, rather than vastly different

rah* said...

there's no place for cliche!!, there's no place like cliche!!

*clicks the heels*

w00t! ya I get you, but so often as with most post modern constructs, semiotics comes into play. The more you know, the more you see, the more you see, the more you click, the more you click, the more you realise you know, the more self satisfied you are.

Anton made a valid point when he questioned whether we are at the end of creativity (in the canonical sense) and that makes me wonder whether we've entered a sort of re-Renaissance style understanding of creativity and originality.

Unknown said...

im totally in love with intro's n outros, got Maximum the Hormone's album and the death note anime & OST's & Manga & movies... do u buy the dvd's or get fansubs? Fansubs are legal in a sense so I wouldn't mind sharing a copy of everything :)

I shut the blog down and decided to try to integrate it into my abstract one, but im pretty sure i'd open a new one....soon, look out for the co-authored blog appearing soon, featuring my cousin Kyo aka Syl3ntChaos aka Nero.

Cant believe any1 even noticed the anime blog, thanks lol

Unknown said...

Re-renaissance FTW!

mention of blood+ CLICHE FTW!

mention of me FTW!



about the re-renaissance i think we couldn't be at a better position, although sometimes it can be disturbingly painful and traumatizing. (Blood+ and Vampire Hinter D)

The problem with these anime though, is that you can't excuse it for its shit, because as in the case of Kill Bill and Spiderman, its NOT done on purpose and for a fond recognition or celebration of refined, stylized glamour. NOO NO0OOOOO! It was done because the Japs in their secluded Jap box decided that it's COOL and ORIGINAL in a completely cliche way to adopt these western traditions which they just happened not to not know were formerly RAPED OF COOLNESS.


yes, i see what the perilous dweller says about her EXTREME AND EXTRAORDINARY TALENT in excusing the cliche for celebration of the style, but unfortunate enough to NOT have this talent, I resume to hang my head in envy.

It's the same with Jrock, and this new flourishing 'lolita' style of dressing and style. IT FRICKIN SUCKS- not cos they're flouncing around knowing they're exploiting distasteful traditions, but that they think its COOL! or worse- WESTERN and COOL! T_T

save us from the boxes...

Libra said...

*applause* All cheer for Ki-sa-ma for disdaining to comment on a blog where Blood+ is praised lol.

I wasn't situating these anime in the same box with Kill Bill, or stories based on ironic 'homage' contracts. My point was that people may enjoy those stories for the same reason they welcome 'tribute' art-forms: they long for the cliche, not simply its style but its substance. Having access to them through the Japanese, who may be excused for their lack of irony due to their isolated position, allows for the enjoyment of certain forms and styles in their 'innocence', without irony. The point is that people often see value in cliches, and getting at them through another culture's naive use of them performs the same function as the ironic distance afforded by the 'homage' contract: it allows for the restoration of what has become cliche to its original value. I'm not saying this is good or bad, or accounting for why I enjoy Blood+, just that people may be getting tired of being ironic. Maybe that is the essence of the re-Renaissance Queen Lestat mentioned.

Unknown said...

And I understood what you meant perfectly... *raises eyebrows in smooth good-looking manner*

I was just expressing myself uhem- my feelings on the whole issue.

and naive??? it's not naive anymore! it's... a blatant mistake! why? because the concept of corn- as proven in Death Note with reference to numerous examples- is suddenly blossoming in Japan. Yay! new age greatness. - again my own realization that has nothing to do with the retort... >_<

And before you roll your eyes, yes, I do see what you were saying, and agree with you. I'm just commenting on the rape of cliche from Japanime, and my feelings on it- WHICH WE ARE NOW BREAKING FREE OF AREN'T WE?


in any case, PERSONALLY I wouldn't look for the cliche where its taken seriously. It's too traumatizing and taxing on my part. T_T

I would rather search for the homage deal of kill bill and so forth... It's less 'ignorance' and more delicious yay! ^o^

I thought you were clear enough in the post, so I didn't need to summarize it up for you- as you evidently suspected... I just gave my views on the things discussed.


Queen Lestat's 'Re-renaissance FTW': was my own personal reference to the concept, and not reference to anything discussed in the post. loli again. Tradition is lost. 21st century is the greatest chaos ever lived in. Wanna celebrate?

Zette Kachi! \(^0^)/

Anyway, summary:
Get it straight. I don't like cliches. I prefer purposeful celebration of them. You do. ki-sa-ma doesn't care. (I MEAN I RESPECT THAT! T_T)


AND! i wanted to post here! >_< Don't give Blood+ any more undeserved credit than it already enjoyed! T_T

Libra said...

Lol. Ok ok. We shall not traumatize Ki-sa-ma any more than we have to:)

My comment on the re-Renaissance had nothing to do with you, ducks; just an independent observation.